Monday 28 February 2011

Production Update


I have been working on the newspaper ad to accompany my website/channel launch. I've been using Photoshop to work on my newspaper ad, and using the layers and filters available to create it.
Above is a screenshot of my work in Photoshop. This was taken towards the end of the production of my newspaper ad, as I was putting in the text and tilting it. I decided to put 'Screening soon..' instead of more detailed text because I decided to complete the newspaper ad as if it was an early ad, with more to follow, and thought that the simple phrase would make people want to find out more.

Above is a screenshot of a zoom-in to show the filter that I used on many of the pictures. I used the filter that added film grain to the picture as it is a film channel, and I felt that this linked in with the theme. The screenshot does not show the effect to its full advantage, but does give a good overall impression of it.

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