The combination of my main product with my ancillary tasks is a combination of a website with a newspaper advertisement and a magazine double-page spread. Each of the products is designed to accompany a new TV channel designed for teens called Flix. Whilst each is an individual product, they retain the same general feel and focus on the same themes and images in order to better compliment each other. The importance of a degree of unity between this product lies with the branding and marketing of the new TV channel.
Logo and images
The use of my channel logo (image on the right) is important to the branding of the products. I used the log

I also used some of the same images on the different products, such as the logo for the featured show, but I did use this slightly differently on each product; I used it with an image of a cinema on the magazine double-page spread, and added a film grain filter to it on the newspaper advertisement.
Film Imagery
As the TV channel which my products are based on is a teen film channel, the use of imagery with connotations of film was also an important part of the branding of the product. It also would aid the TV channel in terms of marketing as the target audience, apart from being teenagers, would inevitably be teenagers who like to watch films. I ensured that each of my media products included some features with connotations of film.
In each of the products, as previously mentioned, I used my logo. The use of the filmstrip feature on each side of the logo helps to establish the brand as being associated with film.
In my website, apart from the logo, the biggest contributor to the development of an association with films is the film opening video clip which I embedded in the featured show page. This is a strong indication to the audience of the links between the TV channel and films.
In my double-page spread I used images such as the image of the cinema (Salvatore Vuono/, which was used in conjunction with the logo for the featured show, and an image of popcorn combined with an image of film reel (both Idea Go/ These images clearly establish the theme of the product as that of film, via the connotations associated with them.
I also added a film grain filter to many of the images used in my newspaper advertisement in order to further enhance this association with film.
I included several of the same details on different products in order to further enhance the cohesion between them.
This included details such as the launch date and sky channel found on both of my ancillary texts. The lack of contradiction between these details ensures that they are clear to the audience, and also that the two ancillary tasks are both associated with the same TV channel.
Other similarities in terms of details are the details found on my double-page spread regarding TV programmes, particularly the featured TV programme, and the details found on my website. I ensured that the details relating to the programmes corresponded to each other and did not contradict, allowing a unity and continuity to develop between the products which would be essential in terms of a real marketing campaign.
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