The next advertisement that I have decided to analyse is an advert for the ESPN channel from the sports section of The Times. Its placement is significant as the matches that it is using to advertise the channel are rugby matche
The advert itself is not very colourful, the predominant colourbeing black, however the red which is also used contrasts well. Red is a striking colour, and this conforms with the codes and conventions of newspaper advertisements.The main purpose of this advertisement is to persuade people to upgrade to ESPN which is a subscription channel. Its primary method of doing this is to show an example of what it offers, which is the rugby matches which will appeal to those reading this page as it details rugby news.
The placement of my advertisement is something which I hadn't considered before, however I now realise that it is important and that I should think of where in a newspaper my advertisement should be. Some newspapers have sections about TV, or with reviews of games, DVDs, CDs, films, etc. and I think that this would probably be the best place to put my advertisement as teenagers who are interested in entertainment would be more likely to read this section than they perhaps would be to read a serious news story. As I am thinking of having my TV channel as teen film TV channel, it would be useful to put the advertisement next to reviews of DVDs and films etc. I could also place it next to stories about celebrities or something similar as teenagers and young people are often interested in celebrity stories. The paper itself would probably be a tabloid such as The Sun as teenagers are more likely to read this than more serious paper.
A good understanding of where the advert is placed in the newspaper. Where do you think you might want to place the advert for your new channel launch?