The 'Film Choice' pages of the listings magazine TV Choice are sectioned into days describing films on various channels on each day. I like the way the boxes
separating each day are arranged because I feel that it makes the best possible use of the space available on the page. The use of a different colour for the box for each day serves to make it clear as to when the films are on.
The background to the double-page spread is blue and vibrant and provides a good contrast to the other colours on the page.
Images from some of the films featured are used to illustrate the page and provide a break from the text. I like the affect of these images as they stand out against the background and are sizeable without being so large that they dominate the page.
There is a small paragraph on each film featured including information such as the stars involved, the country who produced it, the director, the year it was made, and the film's certification. This ensures that all of the information a viewer could want about a film, including the day and time it's on, is provided while still remain succinct and providing a small synopsis/brief review of the film in a fairly informal style.
There is also a five-star rating system applied to each film and a tick is placed next to the film's title if the film is 'Suitable for family viewing.' The key to this system is found at the bottom of the page. I hadn't thought about using a system such as this before but as my TV channel is going to be a teen film channel, it might be a good idea to use a similar rating system in my double-page spread.
The titles of the films themselves are in bold, making them clear and easily locatable for the reader.
The research you've done here could be helpful in a small part of your double page spread task, where your objective is to advertise the launch of your new TV channel - which could be done in the form of interviews with presenters/producers, an article on the channel's programming along with a listing for a particular night etc.