My next analysis is of the page for the
channels for Tuesday 9th November in the TV Times listing magazine. The main channels are categorised as BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4, and Channel 5. Each channel is separated into its own column, and each column is a different colour, similarly to the way the different days were distinguished from each other in the 'Film Choice' pages of the TV Choice magazine. This serves to clearly distinguish between the channels.
The times of each programme are down the left hand side of the column with the right hand side of the column containing the name of the programme in bold, similarly to the titles of the films on the 'Film Choice' pages, and a very brief synopsis of the programme. In some cases this is just one word (such as 'quiz' for the weakest link), a short sentence, or a brief paragraph. Some programmes are distinguished with a 'New' symbol on the left hand side, or with a 'Film' symbol and a black box around the synopsis. I like this, but I think it would probably be impractical to use on my double-page spread because as my idea is for a new teen film channel, all of the programming will be either new, a film, or both.
The page also includes a small 'star's choice' section showing a quote from Johnny Vegas about a TV programme he likes. This serves to promote the programme and also to add variety to the page. It is one of the only places on the double-page spread that shows images; the images help to avoid monotony on the page and make it more visually appealing.
The other small section on this double-page spread where images are used is the 'On this day' section. This section gives a historical event that corresponds with the date; I like this as it provides an interesting fact, but I think that it's perhaps a little irrelevant.
Again Cerys - back to my previous comment - you need to research the types of articles/double page ads that appear in this type of magazine.