Monday 29 November 2010

more TV listings magazine analysis


I've become aware that some of my previous analysis of TV listings magazines was not as relevant as I had hoped. I've now decided to complete more analysis in the hope that it will be more relevant.
The Eastenders double-page spread from the TV Times is part of it's 'soapweek' section. The page is dominated by the central image. The image is in preparation for an Eastenders wedding, as is shown by the white dress and the rose petals in the image, things which often have connotations of love or marriage. The heading above the image is also
in white, adding to this portrayal. The content of this heading is a rhetorical question, asking 'Happy Ever After?' This suggests that there is some question over how well the wedding is expected to
go, which is expected of a drama, particularly a soap opera like Eastenders. The use of rhetorical questions is common throughout this double-page spread, this keeps the reader interested by questioning what could happen next in the TV series, particularly where the question suggests an unexpected eventuality or something central to the plot.
There is also a section of the page set out like a factfile. This explains what is happening to each character in Eastenders for that week, and not just the characters involved in the current central storyline. This section is an interesting feature as it does not take up much space, but allows readers to quickly locate the information they want on what the storyline for their favourite character(s) is for that week.
This double-page spread involves several short articles, the main one focussing on the central storyline of the wedding. This main article includes quotes from the actors about the storyline and the character. I think that this might be a good idea to include in my own double-page spread as it provides the reader with background information about the TV programme, and would be a good way to generate interest in the programme or in the channel.

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